In The Radio Show

January 5, 2017

Interview with Dr. Richard Besser, author of the book Tell Me The Truth Doctor

Mike Carruthers:
Can the radiation from a cellphone cause brain cancer?

Dr. Richard Besser:
The type of radiation emitted from a cellphone is not the type of radiation, ionizing radiation, that damages our cells and causes cancer.

Dr. Richard Besser Chief Health and Medical Editor for ABC News and author of the book Tell Me The Truth Doctor

But there’s still a ton of concern about this and fine if you’re concerned use a hands free device. But what really gets this about is that cellphones are incredibly dangerous. Any moment there are at least 600,000 people who are texting and driving. That is a formula for an accident.

Most men over the age of 50 are advised by their doctor to get a PSA screening test for prostate cancer. Dr. Besser believes it’s a bad idea.

You know the American Cancer Society recommends we have a conversation about this rather than just ordering the test. The US preventative services task force has reviewed the issue and they don’t recommend a prostate screening test for any man. The current test was never designed as a screening test it was designed for use in people who already have prostate cancer. And the man who developed the test is bewildered that it has now been transformed into a screening test.

But what could be the harm it’s a just a blood test?

It is far more likely to pick up a cancer that would never harm you. It can lead then to a biopsy which can then lead to treatment. The biopsy and the treatment all have significant side effects.

Important Medical Truths – Part 2
Dr. Richard Besser
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