In The Radio Show

November 29, 2016

Interview with Sam Bennett author of the book Start Right Where You Are

Mike Carruthers:
One of the reasons people feel so busy and overwhelmed is because we like it.

Sam Bennett:
You know we love to do things for other people and we love to feel busy and accomplished and like we’re checking things off the list.

Sam Bennett author of the book Start Right Where You Are

Simon Sinek writes very eloquently about that endorphin hit that we get – and when that “ding” someone needs me my message app has pinged. But I really urge you to turn that on its head and take care of yourself first. Even just in the sense of taking a deep breath and then move forward on all the projects and all of the people who need you.

If you feel you’re overwhelmed with all of the things you have to do Sam believes there is a simple fix.

Stop playing overwhelmed poker. Stop using the word overwhelmed and stop getting into conversations with people about how overwhelmed and busy you are. I hear it all of the time “Oh I’m so busy, I’m so overwhelmed. I had to be up at this hour and then I had to go take the kids, and then I had this at work”. It’s like you’re just – you know at church we used to call that praying the problem. You’re not looking for a solution you’re just looking for sympathy around the problem.

It’s how you look at being busy that really matters.

Be busy without the story of busy. Be busy like a trapeze artist is busy, right? You just go smoothly from one thing to the next thing. Like a neurosurgeon is busy concentrated, clean with some grace.

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