In The Radio Show

November 17, 2016

Interview with Leil Lowndes, author of the book How To Create Chemistry With Anyone

Mike Carruthers:
Your eyes meet across the room you feel something magical a special chemistry – what is it?

Leil Lowndes:
The chemical reaction you feel is primarily a drug called dopamine rushing into the pleasure center of our brain.

Leil Lowndes, author of the book How To Create Chemistry With Anyone, says for men the hormone testosterone plays an important role at that particular moment.

Men’s testosterone will go up 1/3 just even talking with an attractive woman. And if he feels that there’s a strong connection then it will shoot right up through the stars.

In fact when a man and woman first meet all kinds of unspoken things start happening.

Women can actually tell even if they have no desire necessarily to have children whether a man has what they call good dad qualities, good supporting qualities. And it’s again – it’s Mother Nature, evolution, she wants women who will be fertile that’s why the signs of fertility – a shapely body, shiny hair which means health. These are the things that are attractive to men.

Women on the other hand are programed to be concerned about other things.

Intelligence which means that he would be able to take care of a family – yes even his socioeconomic status.

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