September 22, 2016
Interview with Trevor Blake, author of the book 3 Simple Steps
Mike Carruthers:
To be a success requires a positive attitude and the ability to not get stuck in fear or failure.
Trevor Blake:
You know I have yet to meet a self-made man or woman who’s a complainer or who’s fixated with daily news they’re people who are outgoing and always looking forward never looking back.
Trevor Blake, author of the book 3 Simple Steps…
If you were to read the autobiographies of people like (Dale ) Carnegie and (Henry) Ford you know it becomes quite clear very early on in those autobiographies that these were men who didn’t really care about what just happened 5 minutes ago because so they’re not going to moan and groan about what went wrong. They’re looking always in the sort of solution oriented fashion –so they’re always looking forward.
We all have what Trevor calls a pioneering spirit to find your place and your success.
Well you can’t find that spirit if you become a slave to the fashion or the trend that the TV and the newspapers are influencing you with all of the time and very often what grabs people’s’ attention is something fearful. If we see something fearful we stop and we’re paralyzed.
When you allow yourself to become fearful and paralyzed by outside events or what other people think it can shake yourself confidence and your ability to find that great idea that is truly yours.
Because it’s that 1 brilliant idea that separates the successful from mediocrity – that unshakable belief is something that I also found in the lives of all those self-made men and women. They just developed this unshakable belief that regardless of the circumstances that they find themselves in they’re going to find a way out and they always do.