In The Radio Show

October 17, 2016

Interview with Larry Matson,  author of the book Live Young, Think Young, Be Young At Any Age

Mike Carruthers:
The idea of getting older worries a lot of people.

Larry Matson:
We spend way too much time worrying about aging, talking about aging, thinking about aging and reading about aging so our initial premise is to forget aging.

Larry Matson, author of the book Live Young, Think Young, Be Young At Any Age says the problem isn’t aging it’s premature aging which comes primarily as a result of chronic disease and a sedentary life.

We can intercede in that process at any point by being more physically and mentally active by eating less and eating better, by managing our stress and by being aware of our genetic vulnerabilities.

What too often happens, says Dr. Matson, is people believe aging means deterioration and decline so they just give up.

When we start thinking that we’re old because we’re aging we buy into the inevitability of this decline and we quit doing some things that we actually could continue doing. And when we quit doing things we feel like we’re aging even faster – we’re getting old faster.

Do know that people who age well have some things in common.

One is that they have an optimistic outlook on life, they are involved, they have a purpose and they’re active. The use it or lose it law of biology is as inevitable as death itself.

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