In Podcasts

Did you know bacon is really a low-fat food? That is just one of the many fascinating food science facts you’ll discover when you listen to food writer David Joachim author of The Science of Good Food. You’ll also discover why hot liquids freeze faster than cold ones, why you should never cook veggies with lemon and the science of cooking the perfect steak – and a lot more great cooking advice.

Also, do you have a project or goal in your head that you swear you want to get done – but never seem to get to? It’s a pretty common problem and one I discuss with Phyllis Korkki author of The Big Thing: How to Complete Your Creative Project Even if You’re a Lazy, Self-Doubting Procrastinator Like Me. Phyllis is an assignment editor and reporter for the New York Times Sunday Business section and she has really done her research on this topic – and has some great advice for those of us who finally want to get it done!

Plus, which is your good side? You know, in a photo, which side of your face do you think is better? You’ll get the answer in this episode.

And if you drive, you probably spend a fair amount of time in the fast lane. But did you know you should never just cruise in the fast lane? It’s not for driving – it is for passing. Chances are you are staying in it too long – and that causes a real serious hazard. Many states are starting to crack down and enforce this law. Discover how to stay out of trouble in this episode of the podcast.

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Amazon link for David Joachim’s book, The Science of Good Food:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Phyllis Korkki’s book, The Big Thing:

David Joachim
Click to Buy on Amazon
Phyllis Korkki
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