Driving while texting, talking, eating or drinking can all distract you from paying attention to the road. So what about listening to the radio while driving? Is that a distraction? This episode begins with an exploration of that question that yields a surprising answer. http://www.webmd.com/news/20130620/music-doesnt-hurt-driving-performance-studysuggests?page=2
So many relationships start off great and then end badly. So what is it that goes wrong? Here with some great insight into that and some unique solutions to improve your relationship is Mort Fertel. Mort is a relationship expert and creator of the “Marriage Fitness” program that has helped thousands of couples save their marriages. He is a frequent expert guest on television and author of the book Marriage Fitness: 4 Steps to Building & Maintaining Phenomenal Love (https://amzn.to/2KrnNZc)
To get Mort’s free report: 7 Secrets to Fix a Marriage go to www.MarriageMax.com
Next time you go on a job interview try to pick the day and time if you can. I’ll explain why it could make a huge difference and exactly what day and time to schedule it. http://lifehacker.com/heres-the-best-time-and-length-to-schedule-a-job-interv1777518069
You probably spend more time on email than you realize. A lot more! That’s why communications expert Dianna Booher is here to discuss the problem and more importantly, the solutions. Dianna is the author of the book, Faster Fewer Emails: Manage the Volume, Reduce The Stress Love the Results (https://amzn.to/2FkoVda) and she has some very powerful advice that will help you get a handle on your email so it stops running your life.
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-American River Nutrition. Get your free copy of Dr. Barrie Tan’s book The Truth about Vitamin E at www.BarrieTan.com/something
-Mighty Travels Premium. Get your 30 day free trial at www.MightyTravels.com/something
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-Capital One. What’s in your wallet? www.CapitalOne.com
Source for story does listening to the radio impair driving?: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20130620/music-doesnt-hurt-driving-performance-study-suggests#1
Amazon link for Mort Fertel’s book, Marriage Fitness: https://amzn.to/2KrnNZc
Source for story when going on a job interview the day and time matter: https://lifehacker.com/the-best-time-to-schedule-a-job-interview-1738809779
Amazon link for Dianna Booher’s book, Faster Fewer Emails: https://amzn.to/2FkoVda