Why do you sigh? Usually it is because you feel relief or you are sad or tired. But it turns out there is more to a sigh than you thought. In fact it turns out to be good for you. Ill explain as I start this episode.
The world is full of jerks. And unfortunately you have to deal with them. So whats the best way? Here with some expert help is Bob Sutton, a professor of organizational behavior at Stanford and author of the book The A**hole Survival Guide (http://amzn.to/2HqacwR). Bob explains why jerks are so jerky and reveals the different categories of jerks and then offers some tactical advice to deal with them and still get what you want.
Did you know different airlines have different flying styles? Did you know the armrest closest to the aisle on an airplane that cant be raised actually CAN be raised if you know a little trick? These are just two of the fascinating behind-the-scenes facts about air travel that well explore.
Everyone today has a camera on them almost all the time. And cellphone cameras have gotten pretty good. So, since you may likely be photographing much of your life, why not make those photos the best they can be? Photographer Jim Miotke, founder of www.BetterPhoto.com and creator of the online course Outstanding Photography offer some simple tips and idea that will transform your cellphone photos so they truly capture the moment.
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Source for story about time and money: http://www.menshealth.com/guy-wisdom/buying-time-makes-you-happier
Amazon link for Daniel Pinks book, The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing: http://amzn.to/2Dne4Ml
Amazon link for Edward Jardinis book, How to Save On Prescription Drugs: 20 Cost Savings Methods: http://amzn.to/2mY1bBH
Source for story about reheating pizza: http://www.businessinsider.com/things-you-can-teach-yourself-in-5-minuteswith-science-2016-1