In Podcasts

Does love at first sight exist? Many experts say no but many people claim to have experienced it. So what’s the truth? We begin this episode by looking at this intriguing phenomenon.

Then, whenever you speak, you should have a point. And not only should you have a point but you must make sure the person listening gets your point. Communications trainer Joel Schwartzberg, author of the book, Get to The Point: Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter explains that too often people don’t know what their point is. And even when they do, they don’t make it clear to the listener. In this discussion Joel reveals how to make your point crystal clear.

Then, the Navy Seals have something called the “40% Rule.” It has to do with human potential. When I first read it a while ago, I cut out the article and always remembered it during those teams when I needed to get more out of myself. I think you’ll find it useful in your life as well.

Are today’s kids and young adults too entitled? Do they think the world owes them something? Well, certainly not all of them think that but there does seem to be a growing entitlement mentality in our culture. So where did it come from?

According to psychologist Michael Wetter, it is primarily a parenting problem. Parents want to protect their children and keep them happy but the unintended consequence is that kids are not prepared for the real world. Dr. Wetter is author of the book, Earn It!: What to Do When Your Kid Needs an Entitlement Intervention and he offers some great advice and insight to deal with this problem.

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Source for story about love at first sight:

Amazon link for Joel Schwartzberg’s book, Get to the Point!: Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter:

Amazon link for Dr. Michael Wetter’s book, Earn It!: What to Do When Your Kid Needs an Entitlement Intervention:

Source for story about mental toughness and the 40% Rule:

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Dr. Michael Wetter’s
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