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I am sure you have had to perform under pressure. So you know that it is difficult to do and often your performance suffers. But why? Well, a couple of interesting things happen in that situation and when you understand them you can make the experience of performing under pressure a lot easier. Listen as I begin this episode with this fascinating intel.

We all have so many choices for everything – breakfast cereal, cars, food, careers – everywhere choices abound! And that can be great except that too many choices can actually be paralyzing. Anyone who has spent more time choosing what show to watch on Netflix than actually watching a show knows what I mean. Barry Schwartz, author of the book, The Paradox of Choice ( joins me to explain why trying to make the “best” choice may be a waste of time and he offers a better way to make choices that will leave you more satisfied.

What attracts men to women and women to men? Allan Pease has some very interesting answers. Allan has been studying how people communicate and he is author of the book, Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love ( . Listen as he explains how to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex based on evolutionary drives and urges that still rule our feelings and actions.

You know when you reheat pizza in the microwave, it never comes out right? It’s mushy and soggy and just not as good as when it was first made. Listen as I describe a way to reheat pizza that is much better and actually makes it taste pretty close to when it came out of the oven the first time.

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Source for the story about performing under pressure:

Amazon link for Barry Schwartz’s book, The Paradox of Choice:

Amazon link for Allan Pease’s book, Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love:

Source for the story about reheating pizza:

Barry Schwartz
Click to Buy on Amazon
Allan Pease
Click to Buy on Amazon
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