Have you ever been mesmerized by the flicker of a flame in a fire or on a candle? What is it about fire that draws us near to it? This episode begins with an explanation of why evolution has made us so interested in fire and why we love to watch it. https://www.livescience.com/19853-fire-fascination.html
If you lose your wallet are you likely to get it back? What’s the best way to shuffle a deck of cards? Do plants have feelings? Listen as I explore these and other fascinating science questions with Jay Ingram, a broadcaster and author of 18 books. His latest is The Science of Why, Volume 5: Answers to Questions About the Ordinary, the Odd, and the Outlandish (https://amzn.to/36xStkd)
You know not to drink and drive or text and drive but you also shouldn’t drive when you are drowsy or tired. Listen as I explain the problem of driving when tired and how it is a much bigger and more dangerous problem than you thought. https://abcnews.go.com/WN/driving-sleepy-common-deadly-thought-aaa-research-finds/story?id=12088552
Why do we get embarrassed? Why does the sense of embarrassment feel so awful? And what is the best way to handle embarrassing situations? That’s what Charise Harper is here to discuss. Charise is a prolific writer having written several books, mostly children’s books and one of her latest is called So Embarrassing: Awkward Moments and How to Get Through Them (https://amzn.to/35uLpFZ). Listen and feel a lot better knowing that everyone gets embarrassed just like you.
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Source for the story about the fascination of fire: https://www.livescience.com/19853-fire-fascination.html
Amazon link for Jay Ingram’s book, The Science of Why: https://amzn.to/36xStkd
Source for the story about driving while tired: https://abcnews.go.com/WN/driving-sleepy-common-deadly-thought-aaa-research-finds/story?id=12088552
Amazon link for Charise Harper’s book, So Embarrassing: https://amzn.to/35uLpFZ