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If you’ve ever taken over-the-counter cough and cold medicine, you may have noticed that it isn’t always that effective in relieving the symptoms. Recent research indicates that there is something in your kitchen cupboard that is more effective and is totally free of side effects. This episode begins with a home remedy that truly works.

Insects are often regarded as pests but actually, insects do a lot of things that make your life a lot better and easier. Edward Melillo is professor of history and environmental studies at Amherst College and author of the book The Butterfly Effect: Insects and the Making of the Modern World ( He joins me to explain just how important insects are and how they are becoming an important source of food around the world and perhaps in your kitchen as well.

How much time have you spent trying to get that last drop of lotion out of the bottle or the last little bit of mustard out of the jar? Listen as I explain the best and most efficient way to do it.

You have likely allowed yourself to fantasize about what your life would be like if you won the lottery or somehow made a fortune. It probably seems like life would be wonderful. But would it? Is having everything really all it is cracked u to be? Not always, according to the people who have everything. Marriage and family therapist Paul Hokemeyer specializes in treating ultra-high net worth individuals and celebrities and he is author of the book Fragile Power: Why Having Everything Is Never Enough; Lessons from Treating the Wealthy ( Listen as he explains the challenges of having everything and why wanting is sometimes better than having.

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The Jordan Harbinger Show

Ray Dalio episode part 1

Ray Dalio episode part 2


Source for the story about a home remedy:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Edward Melillo’s book, The Butterfly Effect:

Source for the story about how to get the last drop out:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Paul Hokemeyer’s book, Fragile Power:

Edward Melillo
Click to Buy on Amazon
Paul Hokemeyer
Click to Buy on Amazon
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