In Podcasts

Everyone has felt shy. It really depends on the situation. So how can you get over your shyness so you can engage with the people around you? This episode begins with some excellent advice from one of the leading shyness experts on how to work through those shy feelings in the moment – and it is really quite simple. Source: Bernardo Carducci author of Shyness (

You’ve probably heard something somewhere about how indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air. And yes that is true but that is just the tip of the iceberg. You spend 90% of your life indoors and that environment has a big impact on your health, productivity and performance. And it is not just the air quality. It is also the noise level, the lights and the temperature as well. Joining me to discuss this is Joseph Allen, Director of the Healthy Buildings program and an Assistant Professor at Harvard’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health and author of the book Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity (

Telephone scams rob people of billions of dollars every year – even seemingly very smart people who are sure they are too savvy to get taken in. But you can protect yourself from telephone scams by asking any telephone solicitor 4 questions. Listen to discover what they are. Source: Joseph Wilt author of Do I Need Help? (

When you have a lot of things to do, how do you decide what to do first? How do you get the important things done? You can start by asking a simple question according to Kendra Adachi author of the book called The Lazy Genius Way: Embrace What Matters, Ditch What Doesn’t, and Get Stuff Done ( This book was just released and went right to the top of the best seller list so clearly her message is resonating with busy people who have a lot to do and need help doing it. Listen as she joins me to explain exactly how.

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Source for the story about shyness:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Joseph Allen’s book, Healthy Buildings:

Source for the story about telephone scams:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Kendra Adachi ‘s book, The Lazy Genius Way:

Joseph Allen
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Kendra Adachi
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