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Where do you keep your car keys at night? This episode begins with an explanation as to why you might want to keep those keys within easy reach of wherever you are sleeping.

What’s the best way to learn anything new? IT is probably NOT reading information over and over. There are better ways to engage the brain so material really sticks. Here to explain what those methods are is Ulrich Boser who has spent a lot of time understanding the science of learning. He is founder and CEO of The Learning Agency and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and author of the book Learn Better (

Lobster is often the most expensive thing on the menu at any seafood restaurant. Why? Listen as I explain how getting the lobster from the seas to your plate is no small feat – and an expensive at that.

The human brain is quirky. Some of those quirks are good but others are maddening and can cause us a lot of stress. Neuroscientist Dr. Dean Burnet has explored and researched the oddities in our brain that make us human and joins me to explain what they are, why they are important and how to better deal with them when they get in the way. Dean is a tutor and lecturer based at Cardiff University’s Institute of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences and author of the book Idiot Brain: What Your Head is Really Up To (

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Source for the story about where to keep your car keys:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Ulrich Boser’s book, Learn Better:

Source for the story why lobster is so expensive:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Dr. Dean Burnet’s book, Idiot Brain:

Ulrich Boser
Click to Buy on Amazon
Dr. Dean Burnet
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