In Podcasts

Your taste in music can have a big impact on who you are attracted to and who is attracted to you. Whether you like jazz, country or classical music, listen to discover who you are most likely to get along with and who to shy away from.

Word-of-mouth marketing is considered to be one of the most powerful and effective methods to spread the word about an idea, product or service. So who starts word of mouth marketing and what causes it to spread? Ted Wright, CEO of a marketing firm called Fizz and author of the book Fizz ( is an expert on this topic. Listen as he joins me to explain how word-of-mouth marketing works and how you can make it work for your ideas or business.

The air in your home is probably not as clean as you think and probably not as clean as it could be. Listen to hear how you can easily make your indoor air a lot healthier. (Jeff May, author of “My House Is Killing Me!” (

Ever wonder why dogs and people get along so well – and have for centuries? Canine researcher Dr. Clive Wynne, founding director of the Canine Science Callaboratory at Arizona State University and he is author of the book Dog Is Love: Why and How Your Dog Loves You ( joins me to explain the amazing bond between you and your dog and how to make it even stronger.

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Source for the story about taste in music:

Amazon link for Ted Wright’s book, Fizz:

Source for the story about how to make your indoor air healthier:

Amazon link for Dr. Clive Wynne’s book, Dog is Love:

Ted Wright
Click to Buy on Amazon
Dr. Clive Wynne
Click to Buy on Amazon
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