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If you ever lose something at an airport – where do you go to find it? The Lost & Found of course. But do you know how many Lost & Founds there are at the airport? A LOT. That is just one of many great airline travel tips that begin today’s episode.

People complain about their healthcare but things are beginning to change for the better – and there are ways you can access that better care now. That is according to Dr. Marty Makary, a surgeon, professor at Johns Hopkins University and author of the book The Price We Pay: What Broke American Health Care and How to Fix It ( Listen as Dr.Makary describes the challenges we face and the solutions that are already here.

Most people agree that Reese’s peanut butter cups and Snickers Bars taste better frozen. But there are a lot of other foods you likely never considered that also taste really good frozen. Listen and discover some great frozen delights.

Weird things influence you. If your neighbor first buys the car you are thinking of buying, you are less likely to buy it. Same thing at a restaurant. If someone else first orders what you are about to order, you are more likely to change your mind. Why? It turns out there are a lot of these subtle influences that affect your behavior. Listen to hear what they are from my guest, Dr. Jonah Berger, a professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the book Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces that Shape Behavior (

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Source for the story about airline travel tips:

Amazon link for Dr. Marty Makary’s book, The Price We Pay:

Source for the story about foods that taste good frozen:

Amazon link for Dr. Jonah Berger’s book, Invisible Influence:

Dr. Marty Makary
Click to Buy on Amazon
Dr. Jonah Berger
Click to Buy on Amazon
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