In Podcasts

When you feel and ache or pain in your body, you likely reach for a Tylenol. And it turns out that you should also reach for one when you are feeling emotional pain as well; such as loneliness or distress. Why? I begin this episode with that explanation.

No matter how clean you think your home is, you are sharing your house with millions of creatures – both visible and invisible. From the tiniest germs to your dog or cat – all of these creatures have an impact on you. In fact, if you own a cat, there is an excellent chance of getting infected with a parasite that will change your behavior! I know it sounds crazy but you have got to hear this. Rob Dunn, biologist and professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University joins me to discuss the fascinating world inside your home you never knew was there. Rob is author of the book Never Home Alone: From Microbes to Millipedes, Camel Crickets, and Honeybees, the Natural History of Where We Live (

One of the big pitfalls of writing texts or emails is that people can misinterpret your intent – particularly if you are being sarcastic. But I have a solution that will make sure people will understand what you are really trying to say in your written communication.

Do you know what your set point weight is? Anyone who has tried to lose weight knows there is a point where you get stuck and it is really hard to drop more weight. Jonathan Bailor, author of the bestselling book The Calorie Myth has researched this for his new book The Setpoint Diet ( He joins me to explain why people get stuck on their set point weight and how to outsmart your body so you can lose more weight.

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-Capterra. To find the right software for your business visit

-ADT. Go to to learn how ADT can design and install a smart home system for you.

-Geico. Go to to see how Geico can save you money on your car insurance.


Source for the story about Tylenol:

Amazon link for Rob Dunn’s book, Never Home Alone:

Source for the story about texts and emails:

Amazon link for Jonathan Bailor’s book,The Setpoint Diet:

Rob Dunn
Click to Buy on Amazon
Jonathan Bailor
Click to Buy on Amazon
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