In Podcasts

If you want someone to know you really care for them and that they are special to you, there are a few simple things you can do that can have a huge impact. I begin this episode with those things which I am sure will come in handy at some point in your life.

When you want to make a point or sell your idea or convince someone of something – nothing can do it like a picture. But what if you suck as an artist? Well, according to Dan Roam, that doesn’t matter. Any picture is better than no picture. Dan is the author of the book, Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures. He joins me to explain the science of why visual representations (pictures) can be so much more powerful than words. As the saying goes – a picture is worth a thousand words. When you hear Dan you will understand just how true that is. Even if your artistic skills are less than impressive.

So here is something I am sure has happened to you… you take your clothes or towels out of the dryer and you find a bleach stain. But you didn’t use bleach in the laundry, so how could you have a bleach stain? Well, it happens all the time. I’ll explain why and how to prevent it.

Do gentlemen prefer blondes? Do high heels really make women more attractive? Can the scent you give off actually repel some people while attracting others? Jena Pincott has the answers to these and other questions about human attraction. Jena tells the story of how she had to break up with a guy just because of his scent. He didn’t smell bad – it was just his natural scent she couldn’t stand. You have to hear the story. Jena is author of the book, Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes?: Bodies, Behavior, and Brains–The Science Behind Sex, Love, & Attraction. I think you’ll enjoy what she has to say.

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Source for story about 5 surprising actions that show love;

Amazon link for Dan Roam book, Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures:

Source for story about home organizing, cleaning and bleach stains towels;

Amazon link for Jena Pincott book, Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes?: Bodies, Behavior, and Brains–The Science Behind Sex, Love, & Attraction:

Dan Roam
Click to Buy on Amazon
Jena Pincott
Click to Buy on Amazon
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