Some people just seem to have more luck. Things seem to go their way. When you look closer, those lucky people often have some interesting traits in common. If you want to become luckier in life, listen to the beginning of this episode.
Are you stuck being who you are – or can you change your personality – or at least parts of it? The evidence is clear that not only is personality change possible but also, the people who do make changes are generally happy they did. Joining me to discuss the science of personality change and how to implement it is Olga Khazan. She is a staff writer for The Atlantic and has also written for The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post and other publications. She is author of the book ME BUT BETTER: The Science and Promise of Personality Change (
After the truck comes and picks up your trash, where does it all go? It’s hard to answer because it can go to a lot of different places. And your recyclables, particularly the plastic – that can end up on the other side of the world. In fact, plastic has become a big problem because it isn’t as recyclable as people think. The journey your trash takes is a fascinating one and one worth understanding. Here to explain it is Alexander Clapp. He is a journalist and author of the book Waste Wars: The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash (
What can a person’s handshake tell you about their physical health? More than you think. Listen as I reveal the relationship between a person’s handshake and their risk of dementia and stroke.
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Source for the story about being lucky:
Amazon link for Olga Khazan’s book, Me But Better:
Amazon link for Alexander Clapp’s book, Waste Wars:
Source for the story about handshakes: