In Podcasts

Who hasn’t had to wait at a doctor’s office well past the appointment time. It sucks. What is a reasonable amount of time to have to wait? Should you complain to someone? This episode starts with some interesting research that explains what you should do so your doctor knows your time is valuable and you shouldn’t have to wait so long.

Peer pressure is a powerful force – more powerful than people realize. You are constantly influencing people around you to be more like you, and they are influencing you to be more like them – without even realizing it. When you understand the power of peer pressure it can become a powerful tool. Joining me to discuss all this is Robert Frank, a professor of Management and Economics at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management and author of the book Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work (

Almost everyone has felt shy. In fact, only 2% of people claim they never feel shy. The rest of us have all been in situations where we have felt shy to some extent. What is shyness? Why are some people more prone to it than others? Can you overcome shyness in situations that really matter? Here with some advice is Lynne Henderson who has worked with shy people to help them overcome that feeling that prevents people from fully engaging in life.By the way, it being shy isn’t always a problem to be fixed. Sometimes it can be quite charming! Lynne is the founder of the Social Fitness Center and the founder and co-director of the Shyness Institute. She is also author of The Shyness Workbook (

Sometimes you just “click” with someone. It can happen in romance, friendship and in business. People just click. What is happening when that happens? Who are you most likely to click with? Listen as we explore the magic of clicking – and hear some ways that will help you become better at clicking. Source: Ori Brafman author of Click (


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Source for the story about waiting at the doctor’s office:

Amazon link for Robert Frank’s book, Under the Influence:

Amazon link for Lynne Henderson’s book, The Shyness Workbook:

Amazon link for Ori Brafman’s book, Click:

Robert Frank
Click to Buy on Amazon
Lynne Henderson
Click to Buy on Amazon
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