1167 The Mysteries of Your Subconscious Mind & Is An Electric Car in Your Future?

When people see someone in public having a heart attack or stroke or other medical emergency, they often pull out their phones? Bad idea. This episode begins with something ER doctors want you to do and NOT do in a medical emergency. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14372699/er-doctor-medical-emergency-darria-gillespie-jay-ladde.html (more…)

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1164 How to Create Real Wealth & The Ways Technology Ruins Relationships

Why do you feel cold sometimes? The obvious answer is that you feel cold when you ARE cold. But could it also be that you feel cold because someone else is cold? In other words, is feeling cold contagious? Listen as this episode begins with explanation. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11340277/If-this-picture-makes-you-feel-cold-you-may-be-a-victim-of-temperature-contagion.html (more…)

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