In Podcasts

If you have blue eyes, you are related to me! That is just one of the fascinating things I discuss as I begin this episode with a fascinating look at your eyes and how they work so well to help you navigate and see the world.

Where do new ideas and innovations come from? Often, they seem to strike like lightning with no real pattern or explanation. But that is not exactly right according to my guest Matt Ridley. Matt is a journalist and businessman and author of the book How Innovation Works: And Why It Flourishes in Freedom ( Matt has studied how great ideas are created, developed and accepted and he joins me to explain it all.

Social media is a great way to let people know about your latest accomplishments. And people sure do it a lot. However, it may not be such a great idea – at least not too often. Listen as I discuss how self-promotion on social media can actually have the opposite effect you think it does.

How does your diet affect your mood and mental health? In a lot of interesting ways – good and bad – according to Dr. Uma Naidoo, a board certified psychiatrist, director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Mass General Hospital and author of the book This is Your Brain on Food ( Uma is here to discuss the fascinating connection between what goes on in your gut and your mental frame of mind and what foods to eat to help you improve your mental health.

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Source for the story about your eyes:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Matt Ridley’s book, How Innovation Works:

Source for the story about self-promotion on social media:

Amazon link for Amazon link for Dr. Uma Naidoo’s book, This is Your Brain on Food:

Matt Ridley
Click to Buy on Amazon
Dr. Uma Naidoo
Click to Buy on Amazon
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